I've realized I spend a lot of my time comparing. Comparing myself to others, and how I don't measure up. How much more interesting they are, how much more talented they are. And it's true, in a sense there is always going to be somebody "better" than you, at something. But why waste time comparing really. What will it help you achieve but a lower sense of self-esteem and God knows we don't need anymore of that in this world. I guess what I'm trying to say is, I want to stop comparing and just accept myself as who I am. I want to appreciate my own talents and not focus on my shortcomings. If someone else gets the job I want, if someone else gets the boy I want, it doesn't mean they're "better" it just means they're "better" for that job, for that boy. Of course, like all other things in life, this is easier said than done. But I'm working on it :)