So I have heard that the twenties are the loneliest years. I can definitely see how that is a possibility. Our lives are filled with so much uncertainty. We are discovering who we are, how we work, what we need from others, what we expect from ourselves. And while we are on this path to self-discovery, most of us are also on the path to finding love. I think heartbreak is most exaggerated at this phase in life. Most of us are experiencing our first real loves and the fear that we will never find someone who can love us more leaves us unable to move on. How are we supposed to have faith that a greater love exists if this is all we know? And the thought of leaving them and facing the world alone can be too much to handle. I guess all we can do is just bear through it and try to make all the pieces fit together as neatly as possible, and hopefully by the end of this lonely decade, the puzzle will be complete.