Thursday, March 31, 2011

the fighter

Wow. What a truly spectacular piece of art. I laughed, I cried (eh..not takes a lot for me to shed a tear). But in all honesty, a real masterpiece. On one level, I knew it'd be a good film, like all other Oscar-winning films, but I didn't expect to enjoy it so much. I feel this is one of the few Oscar-winning films this year that has a lot of heart. Yes, Black Swan is intriguing, dark, and mysterious. Yes, The Social Network is an innovative self-reflexive commentary. But The Fighter had soul. Watching the film was such a raw experience, you could feel the heartbreak, the struggle. The acting was phenomenal, believable. Action for the males, romance for the females. It even had an anti-drug message haha. But seriously, while The Fighter may not be oh so creative and new age, it is going down as an amazing classic without a doubt. Do I even have to say it? Reco-freaken-mmend!

Saturday, March 26, 2011


Okay. I'm not going to say if I could have any career regardless of pay I would own a flowershop, because I'm sure if I really thought about it I could think of a lot more careers that I would rather do if money wasn't an issue. But I do think it would be so lovely to own a flowershop. Not a chain, but a quaint mom and pop flowershop on the corner. It would always smell fresh and all the customers would be smiling and happy. This is probably an extremely idealized and simplified version of what it would be like to own a flowershop, but let a girl dream:)


Newsflash: whether you do something ironically or not, you're still doing it.

lonely twenties

So I have heard that the twenties are the loneliest years. I can definitely see how that is a possibility. Our lives are filled with so much uncertainty. We are discovering who we are, how we work, what we need from others, what we expect from ourselves. And while we are on this path to self-discovery, most of us are also on the path to finding love. I think heartbreak is most exaggerated at this phase in life. Most of us are experiencing our first real loves and the fear that we will never find someone who can love us more leaves us unable to move on. How are we supposed to have faith that a greater love exists if this is all we know? And the thought of leaving them and facing the world alone can be too much to handle. I guess all we can do is just bear through it and try to make all the pieces fit together as neatly as possible, and hopefully by the end of this lonely decade, the puzzle will be complete.

what a week

I'm sorry blog, have you missed me? I just finished applying for some jobs. I feel this overwhelming sense of relief. Like I have finally begun. The chances that I'll get any of these jobs is slim to none, but just the fact that I have started the process makes me feel at ease. They say starting is the hardest part, now hopefully I can keep this momentum going. I will feel so great once I can secure a job in the coming months. That is one less thing to stress about. Of course there are still the GREs and then the actual application process. Thinking about it all is so overwhelming. I need to learn how to take it one step at a time. Baby steps. This immense amount of guilt(from slacking?) has been taken off my shoulders. I can finally breathe. Ahhhhhh.

Monday, March 21, 2011

forward march

So Boston has become a very real part of my future. My sister is (almost) officially going to Boston for college! This means I get to go in a couple of weeks during her spring break! Cannot wait! This also means my going to grad school in Boston is much more likely. I feel like this is all part of the plan. Whenever I imagine my Boston apartment I imagine it to look a little like this. Warm and quaint with brick of course! Oh brick<3

Sunday, March 20, 2011

reality bites

Could this be any more true? Life is not a bowl of cherries, and this film certainly reveals such. Even though this movie was made over fifteen years ago, its striking how the themes are still so relevant today. I could especially relate to this movie because it focused on four twenty-somethings and their lives right after graduation. Now what? Of course we're expected to get jobs and grow up, but of course this is easier said than done. It's a lonely time. We are so lost, just trying to figure out who we are, what we want out of life, who we want out of life. It's such a fragile time in our lives, full of so much unknown. Nothing is set in stone, and every little decision can lead to life changing outcomes.

Then there is the story. Two best friends who have managed to remain romantically uninvolved all throughout college. And of course he loves her. Of course she is the only girl he has ever loved. Of course she refuses to be with him because he is unstable. And then of course she gives in, because she has loved him all this time as well. And then he runs away scared, afraid of committing, afraid of being vulnerable, afraid of something real. He eventually comes back, realizing he needs to overcome his fear if he ever wants a chance at happiness. And they live happily ever after until the credits roll. Tale as old as time, but nonetheless my favorite.

a whisper in the dark

It's raining right now. I'm sitting in my future room at a desk looking out the window. I have no idea how I'm gonna tackle this redocorating project. Looking at this room right seems impossible. But I'm sipping on my tea, and the raindrops are blurring the scenery outside and I feel cozy and content for now.

we ride

I have fallen in love...with this bicycle. For some reason, the world seems to be against the idea of me and this bicycle. Which only fuels desire.


What if I fall and hurt myself
Would you know how to fix me?
What if I went and lost myself
Would you know where to find me?
If I forgot who I am
Would you please remind me?
Cause without you things go hazy.

Friday, March 18, 2011

it's kind of a funny story

Saw this movie last night. There was a huge build up for me, I had been wanting to watch it for a while. It most certainly did not disappoint. It was very much what I expected it to be. Clever, charming and heartwarming. The characters are all extremely relatable and realistic which, to me, is one of the most important factors in a well-made film. I wouldn't put this film in my top 10 favorites or anything like that, but I can say I truly enjoyed watching it and felt really good after. So if you're in the mood for a feel-good, here you go!

p.s. thats a snapshot from my favorite scene in the film.

in my own little corner

Every day I get more and more excited to move back home so I can decorate my room! I was staring at my dresser the other day when I should have been studying for finals and saw that it had so much potential. With a little paint and new knobs, it could really be something haha. I find dressers to be very underestimated. They really set the tone of the entire room in a subtle, understated manner. See for yourself!


I've realized I spend a lot of my time comparing. Comparing myself to others, and how I don't measure up. How much more interesting they are, how much more talented they are. And it's true, in a sense there is always going to be somebody "better" than you, at something. But why waste time comparing really. What will it help you achieve but a lower sense of self-esteem and God knows we don't need anymore of that in this world. I guess what I'm trying to say is, I want to stop comparing and just accept myself as who I am. I want to appreciate my own talents and not focus on my shortcomings. If someone else gets the job I want, if someone else gets the boy I want, it doesn't mean they're "better" it just means they're "better" for that job, for that boy. Of course, like all other things in life, this is easier said than done. But I'm working on it :)


I feel so happy!
Just concluded my penultimate quarter! (like that fancy vocabulary?)
This week has been intense, not only with finals, but I've been freaking out about my future. There's so many paths to choose from, how do we choose the right one? How do we know we won't regret it? And then beyond choosing, there's the actual journey. Life never seems to get any easier.
It helps that I think I've decided my path. There comes a point, where you just have to choose and then stick to it. I no longer have the luxury to consider all the options. Time is ticking.
So now that I've chosen, I just need to work towards achieving my dreams. It's not going to be easy, not by any means. But the hardest part is over right? Making a decision and sticking to it?
I no longer have that feeling of anxiety anymore (at least at this moment). I feel very calm. I know I am capable, and I know everything will work out. It always seems to.

Friday, March 11, 2011


I'm scared. It's all starting to hit me how college is coming to an end. I've known it, but it hasn't really sunk in until now. I don't wish I had another year or anything like that. I think I had a good four solid years of college experience and I am satisfied with that chapter of my life. I am just not sure if I am ready for the next chapter. I have plans. To spend the next year studying for the GRE, applying for graduate school, volunteering at a hospital, and getting a job as a research assistant. But these are all plans. Nothing is set in stone. And that scares me more than anything. For the first time in my life, things aren't laid out for me. Before it was always simple. Elementary school--> middle school--> high school--> college. But now what. Now is when I pave my own way. But what if I'm going in the wrong direction? How long will it take me to know?

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Room 25

I am so sad. Today was my last day interning at Gompers Preparatory Academy. This was undoubtedly my best internship experience. I loved shadowing the school psychologist and getting to see what she did on a day to day schedule. But most of all, I fell in love with the kiddos. It took them a while to warm up to me at first, but after some time they came to really like me. When I would walk into the classroom they would all excitedly shout "Ms.Kim!!". That was probably the favorite part of my day. It breaks my heart to have to leave them just as we were starting to get close. I'm going to miss them so much.
