Thursday, October 29, 2009


Here's an excerpt from my deleted xanga. I write similarly I think. The saddest part is, I do not even know who I am talking about.

i think more than anything. people want to loved and cared about. you can have a friend who knows everything about you and can finish your sentences..but when you get into difficult situations, thats when you find out if they truly care about you or if its just a surface friendship. i mean, of course its good to have friends you can laugh with, but we're all secretly searching for that
one friendship. that special friend thats like family. that'll really care for you, and hurt when you're hurting. its different from sympathy.
well recently, i got into a difficult situation, and at first, i felt kind of alone. i guess this past year, i realized that humans are selfish. people are involved in their own problems, and i dont blame them, cause its human nature. but it just kind of depressed me. still, i dont even know if this person realized this when i talked to them, but i could tell they cared. and it made all the difference. just knowing i have you in my life, i am so thankful. you are not just my "other half" but you are like my family.
this made me think of someone else too. someone else who i know cares for me and takes care of me. i can never forget how happy that made me.
i guess this is a big part of why people want to be in love. because you find someone that puts you before themself. love is never selfish.
