Is it possible to have both high self-esteem and low self-esteem at the same time? There are moments where I feel so unworthy and uninteresting, but then there are moments where I feel completely confident and capable. I can flutter between these two states in a matter of hours. What does this say about me? Wouldn't a truly confident person remain consistently confident regardless of outside forces telling them otherwise? So I guess what I experience is a pseudo-confidence.
Society tries to go and empower us and emphasize the beauty of our individuality while simultaneously splattering images of unattainable "perfection" all over the walls. Then girls try to imitate this idea of perfection and portray their "perfect" selves to the rest of the world. The rest of us then wonder why we can't be as cool as that girl, or as talented as that girl, or as pretty as that girl. While those same girls who we envy look on at us and wonder the same.